A weekly diary to help you during therapy
After years of experience working with individuals in Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), we noticed that clients often ask similar questions about what they can expect and how to get the most from their therapy.
This diary has therefore been designed to accompany you in your CAT journey, helping you to reflect each week, and recognise your own relational patterns. Within its pages, you can describe as well as draw out your thoughts and feelings before and after sessions. Every four weeks, your diary will help you to review your progress so far, which you may choose to share with your therapist.
In addition we have included a guide to finding a therapist, as well as a description of some of the core concepts in CAT and what to anticipate at the end of therapy, which you may find useful.
Help your clients to make the most of therapy
Our introductory offer is available to you as either an individual therapist or as an organisation, so that you can purchase multiple My Cognitive Analytic Therapy Diaries for your clients to help them to get the most out of therapy.
5 x Diaries (20% discount - Free UK p&p)
10 x Diaries (25% discount - Free UK p&p)
25 x Diaries (30% discount - Free UK p&p)
100+ Diaries (POA)