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Image by Dan Gold
Photo of Hayden Stothard

Private therapy with...

Hayden Stothard

Accredited Cognitive Analytic Therapist

"I often tell my patients that until you notice something about yourself, you cannot change it. In this sense, therapy is about talking with a trusted person to think about what troubles you in your life and why it always feels as though history repeats itself."
What is CAT?

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) was first developed in the U.K in the early 1980's by the late Dr Tony Ryle, while he was working at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London.


CAT attracted a lot of attention as it aimed at translating many of the psychoanalytic approaches into a model that would allow a wide range of healthcare professionals to practice it. It did this by simplifying the jargon that was often a barrier to patients and condensing it down into a time-limited offer, that previously made psychotherapy unreachable for many people privately or equally, less desirable to the NHS for wider adoption.


At it's core, CAT is a relational, brief form of psychotherapy that helps patients to understand how their early attachments with significant others has shaped the way that they relate to the world now, and the cognitive and behavioural patterns that live on, that no longer help but keep them stuck.

I enjoy helping people to improve their work, friendships or romantic relationships (or all of them), through understanding how they get caught up in relational and behavioural patterns, which makes starting afresh or doing something differently, really hard to do.



"It's my job as your therapist, to help you notice these

patterns and to start making changes in your life"




About me:


Prior to qualifying as a Cognitive Analytic Therapist, I have actually been working with people in healthcare since 2006, when I started my initial training as a Learning Disability Nurse. I also went on to train as a dual registered Mental Health Nurse in 2012 and I have worked predominantly in the community with children, families and adults in the NHS.


I trained as an Cognitive Analytic Therapist in South London (Formerly St. Thomas') in 2016 and have full accreditation from the U.K Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT).


I now work part-time as a senior manager in the NHS as well as offering private therapy. I have recently been appointed as a Trustee for ACAT. 


As a Registered Nurse & Therapist, I abide by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) code of conduct, as well as the code of Ethics and Practice set out by the Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy.


As part of these codes of conduct and to ensure I provide the best quality service possible, I regularly access clinical supervision and engage in Continued Professional Development (CPD) activities.


To check my current NMC registration status, please click HERE.


To see my "I Want Great Care" review page, click HERE.




Clinical areas of interest:


Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a trans-diagnostic therapy, which means it can effectively be used with any presentation, so this list is not exhaustive, but I do have some particular areas of clinical interest in which I apply CAT;


  • Autism 

  • Borderline Personality Disorder 

  • Childhood Trauma 

  • Narcissism

  • Parents/Carers

  • Professional development and entrepreneurism 

My consulting room
My consulting room

Availability and price:


I currently practice privately on Monday (all day), Thursday (am) and Friday (am) each week.


Appointments can be in-person or online, with some flexibility possible with prior discussion.


My ethos is to charge fairly and in doing so, to provide quality therapy over quantity.  I achieve this by intentionally limiting the number of clients that I will work with at one time, to make sure that I can hold your story in my mind fully. 


Standard Therapy sessions (50min) are £80.00. 

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